Today is National Cancer Survivors Day -- a day more should be aware of.
I define 'survivor' as anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, and anyone who has been part of that diagnosis ... mom, dad, friends, loved ones.
We are all survivors the day the diagnosis is set in stone because each day that we live is another day worth celebrating.
22 months ago, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 23 months ago, I was blissfully unaware.
As a reflection, the things I've gained outweigh the things I've lost, aside from safety and security. When your cells betray you, you can't help but not feel safe and secure within it as you are confronted with your own mortality. Beyond that, it's difficult to recognize your own self because of the huge shift in values and focus after the trauma of cancer. This change can be a blessing, but finding the "new you" takes time, even after almost two years post-treatment. Good thing cancer is a wonderful teacher, if you let her...
Things I've gained:
- The need for simplicity
- A few scars
- Support
- Self-awareness
- A desire to stay learning
- Gut instinct
- Perspective
- Advocacy for chronic illness
- Empathy
- Appreciation
- A habit of questioning everything
- Self-worth
Things I've lost:
- An ovary
- Safety and security
- Time
- Confidence
- Fearlessness
- Hair
- Physical strength
- Quick thinking
- An identity I recognize
- Life before a planner
It wasn't yesterday that I was diagnosed, but sometimes it feels that way. On a daily basis, I have to make a choice. I can wallow in the self-pity of what if, or I can choose to be grateful that I am alive.
No matter what our prognosis or diagnosis or lack of, we all can choose to make the most of whatever time we have. I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to help give others hope, knowledge and awareness through my speaking, writing and advocacy, and if you or someone you know needs a boost or is struggling with cancer or its aftermath, I hope you will reach out to me.
Take care,
Proud of you abi luv you I hit the 13year mark stay strong you are so right it changes your life