I Moved Across the Country... & Other Misc. Updates

Above our new kitchen table!
Hey all!

I know it's been a while ... like a really big while. Hopefully this will explain it.

(P.s.- photos always turn out funky on mobile sites, so to get the real effect, I highly suggest a desktop for viewing!)

The most insane semester of my college career has concluded. As I word vomited a few too many times, I took six classes this semester on top of two jobs. I also presented my research at a national conference and packed my life up to move 1500 miles away from Atlanta for the summer.

Things have been a little hectic around here and I haven't been able to create the content this blog deserves. Although I plan to launch an entire blog revamp mid-summer, I thought I would share some updates with you first.

Since the heat of the semester, I have applied, interviewed and received the position of Editor-in-Chief at my university's newspaper that I was previously the managing editor at for the past year. I managed to get all A's on my final exams and final projects. And I received a job in wellness out here in my new home, as well as a freelancing gig with Wyoming's widest circulating newspaper.

Inside Kauffman Stadium
Speaking of Wyoming, Chris and I left at 5 a.m. on Saturday, May 11. We drove just over 11 rainy hours through Georgia, Tennessee, Illinois and Missouri to where we stayed in Kansas City for the night. As part of our bucket list to visit every MLB (and NHL!) stadium in America, we saw the Royals play the Phillies at Kauffman Stadium that night before returning to our cozy little Airbnb to catch up on some much-needed Zzz's.

Kansas City was great but I can honestly say that I wouldn't be upset if I never returned, other than driving through it again to get back to Atlanta one day. I was surprised to see as many hills as I did in that part of the country, but I guess I didn't know much about it to begin with.

Walking around the outfield
Kauffman at sunset
The next morning was another early one. We set out for the last leg of our trip, which mainly consisted of staring at nothing through Nebraska. It broke our hearts to still see so much flooding around the Iowa/Nebraska border. Roadworkers were out there making it a one-way road while they built up the land with gravel so that we wouldn't have to drive through a lake that otherwise is supposed to be flat as paper.

Many, many, many long hours later, we crossed the Wyoming border where the speed limit was 80 mph. Never seen that before, but definitely wasn't complaining.

Wyoming is so beautiful, y'all...

Medicine Bow Peak       PC: Bobby Magill
One stretch of highway can be flat with a view for miles, and the next turn can lead you coasting through beautiful hills and mountains.

Chris and I want to visit Medicine Bow Peak one weekend this summer. We had the joy of staring at this beauty for at least 2 hours as we neared closer to our destination. The mountain was in the middle of a national forest and was so entirely huge that it was plainly visible for miles...

As soon as we were about 25 miles out from our home, we approached a new mountain that we just so happen to live at the base of. I tell you, I don't think I'll ever get used to walking out of the grocery store to these beautiful mountains. I thought I was in awe when I first moved to Georgia from flat Wisconsin, but these Wyoming ranges put Georgia/Tennessee to shame.

We've gotten pretty settled in here at our new place. Yesterday we explored downtown a little bit and even made some summer plans to head to Denver one weekend. I'm really hoping to see a Rockies game (and hopefully an icky Cardinals game in August just to cross it off the bucket list).

Pictures have a not-so-lovely way of making mountain ranges look like hills
We even took a little drive up to see the baseball field where Chris will spend most of his summer, which led us to this amazing view...

Pictures do not do it justice at all, but if you're ever in the area, this stop is a must. Hopefully I can get Chris to take me to one of the breweries up here that just so happens to have this view.

This morning, I took a trip down to City Hall to sign some new hire paperwork. It's amazing that everything out here is within blocks
of our place. As soon as I got home, Chris got ready to head to his first day of work. The joys of only having one car...

I'm not quite sure what the rest of the week looks like for me, or for us for that matter, but I will try to keep updates fresh on Facebook and Instagram as they pop up.

Take care,


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